Monday, June 04, 2007

You Were

I wrote this on the 24th of May 2006. I just thought it was time I posted it. It's not much but...

You Were

You were the friend who in my shell found a pearl
You were the embrace for which my body yearned
You were the beauty my eye beheld
You were the story my memory would tell
You were the melody that my song would sing
You were the voice that answered the phone I'd ring
You were the chef of the cuisine I relished
You were the reason I felt so embellished
You were the moon who called me your sun
You were the cherished of my years that were young
You were the softness my lips longed to touch
You were the tolerant when I was the grouch
You were the pillar when my legs were weak
You were the fragrance when everything reeked
You were the witness when I had no mask
You were the helper for every task
You were the silk my hands would caress
You were the joy of my being blessed
You were the comfort that let my guard down
You were the smile that cured my frown
You were the partner whose presence would nurture
You were the vision when I saw the future
You were the one thing that was inherent
Then one day I woke up and You weren't


  1. It makes me think that poetry primarily is governed by idiosyncratic forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretation to words, or to evoke emotive responses.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog posts, thank you
